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Windows as Spiritual Expression

the windows of the manor felt very expressive as if they were narrating their story and their history. Even in its most basic forms, art is imbedded with civilization. It is inextricably linked to the artist's lifestyle. It sets one culture apart from all others and defines it to a degree that only the artist can fully comprehend. Since the dawn of civilizations, art forms have flourished and left traces that can be traced back to human evolution. These prehistoric works of art, which included sculptures, cave paintings, petroglyphs, and similar artwork, were discovered all over the world.

Windows as eyes of the house

Vast infinite oceans

Link between an individual and the surroundings

A person’s self-awareness to their immediate environment

My favorite part was working with a partner because their ideas and experiences turned out to be so amazing and informative. Working together on creative projects with a partner may be tremendously gratifying and powerful. It's frequently the most effective approach to make fresh ideas a reality, so if you need some advice on how to do it well, I've got precisely what you need. It remains to be seen if this collaboration will advance one person or several people in various professions. In any case, my advise is still relevant: look for someone who has similar aims to your own, but keep in mind that every person has a different viewpoint that should be taken into account while making plans.


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