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A designed space and its influence Architecture and Physical Environment

Self assessment

What changed? The questions I am asking myself after today's informative session are:

  • What are or what should be the contributions of an architect towards the society?

  • How architecture can aid in sustaining the environment?

  • What can be the forms of representation of architectural practices?

  • What methodology for interior design should be adopted?

Establish an Ecological Model of Living

Rethinking Architectural Practices

In my point of view Architects should aims to explain the process of promoting a clear point of view, rejecting objectivity, and acknowledging the significance of a larger external system or context in determining the meaning of something, in this case, the meaning of a designed space and how it affects the experiences of its users. It depends on a different political idea, "grass roots" or local acts, to give the design participants more authority through the exchange of knowledge. This makes the case that by consciously acknowledging the political nature of even the most widely used interior design spaces, one can appreciate the potential significance of the intricate relationships that affect their creation and use, improving interior designers' capacity to have an impact on both the physical environment and the human condition.

The origins of One Planet Living and its guiding principles

Ten simple One Planet Principles make up Bioregional's One Planet Living framework, which anybody can utilize for personal or professional purposes to create, plan, carry out, and share deep sustainability. It is based on what current scientific knowledge about what is required to exist within the limits of the Earth's resources tells us. The UN Sustainable Development Goals, LEED, BREEAM, GRI, FSC, BCorps, and organic standards, among others, are not meant to be replaced by the One Planet Living framework. It offers a high-level framework that may be used to find gaps, improve other systems, and facilitate system integration. Community organizations, educational institutions, and small businesses that might not be able to afford the price of certification can also use One Planet Living.

Indicators of sustainability have been established in the UK to help shape future government policy. As a result, a wide range of methods and instruments for promoting and evaluating sustainable construction have been developed. The top and most popular environmental evaluation method for buildings in the world is called BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environment Assessment Method). BREEAM claims to be the de facto measurement used to describe a building's environmental performance and sets the bar for best practices in sustainable design. BREEAM is a dynamic evaluation technique that aims to quantify sustainability in order to monitor it, but how effectively does it actually do so? Sustainability is a concept that is exceedingly challenging to assess and quantify. The sustainability agenda has gained importance recently. Environmental evaluation techniques have developed in an effort to gauge how sustainable buildings are as a result of pressure on the construction sector to do so. Criteria scoring, a method that is prone to biased results and is subjective, can be used to assess the sustainability of buildings. Many business and sustainability specialists employ environmental evaluations, which have been designed in a global setting. Environmental assessment techniques have been widely used for over ten years, particularly by the UK government, and they will continue to gain popularity. Maintaining our environment, economy, and society are goals of sustainability. Environmental assessment technologies have replaced traditional measurement methods as more emphasis has been placed on developing more environmentally friendly building stock. However, given to the rigidity of the architecture, it is challenging to adopt site-specific concerns with the credits when using a generic instrument like BREEAM. It is challenging for developers to expand their skill sets outside of the framework (the set criteria).


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