Everyone has a different perspective of understanding things. Being in an interactive session with brilliant minds from various cultural and educational backgrounds made my first MA class much more interesting and gave me a diverse understanding of things. Well we say that nothing is wrong or right in Architecture, which allows an individual to practice his/her creativity more. After carefully listening to the passage, few words and phrases instantly got my attention. Initially, I was rather confused about the context but eventually everything started to make sense.
EXCHANGING IDEAS Holistic Approach??
After listening to the passage everyone was given few minutes to discuss their ideas in groups and then discuss them with the class.
Moreover, coming towards my individual understanding I was fascinated by the terms like "intractability" and "complexity".
According to me, the writer discussed a series of objects distinctively and then collectively creating an overall environment. Furthermore, he related or assembled all factors as one feeling, including the weather and the context in which human subject had set the items.
Afterwards, we were to perform an interesting task in which we had to illustrate our understandings.
I would initially list down the words and phrases that caught my attention:
Everything made them notice everything
Vitality inside everything
Miracle of expression
Through my illustration I wanted to express how vivid entities can collectively interact with one another creating something in which one thing makes the other thing noticeable. I drew few distinctive geometrical shapes and drew them over one another to see how different entities interact to collaborate and form an overall abstract image. It was moreover an experimentation process. As in the passage the writer discussed various different items that do not relate to one another, I tried to illustrate the same idea. It was both the thought process and the outcome that made this task more engaging and fun.
EXPRESSION OF THOUGHT The above provided illustration was an expression of thought of my class mate. He randomly assembled a bunch of strings and chalks of different colors to represent how various individuals with different cultural and educational backgrounds can co-exist.
Visual and Spatial Continuity
Moreover, the writer merely interpreted the scenario as an articulation of various heterogeneous elements. The passage was about connecting the dots and assembling them as a whole. In addition, the interaction between the internal elements with external context is discussed in the passage. All the elements together were capable of assembling coherence or harmony in a unified system of meaning. The recognition of space and form depends upon the perception of an individual i.e it relies on the visible aspect and our visual perception.